About Us


Quaint, quiet trekking trails set against the Himalayas and the world's eight highest mountains of the world at the backdrop will make you forget you're in one of the leading destinations of the world.

Travel and find adventure and happiness within yourself. Allow Nepal Hiking Team to convince you. You won't regret it. Find the best time to go and the best trekking destinations for an authentic Nepal experience. Sustainable Tourism.

And the competitive price and fun travel. Enjoy your adventurous ride with the Nepal Hiking Team.

Nepal  Hiking Team, a travel agency, was started by two veterans of the tourism industry veterans  Ganga Raj Thapa and Balaram Thapa, in 2009. Like any other travel agency in the world, Nepal Hiking Team strives to serve the best tourism packages to clients tailored to suit their needs. However, the question is, what distinguishes Nepal Hiking Team from the rest? So hear the captivating story behind it.

Nepal Hiking Team survived all the odds in the tourism industry and has now created its brand as one of the best travel agencies in Nepal. In this competitive tourism market, creating that space of its own was challenging, and it involved much perseverance, hard work, and teamwork. Today we stand tall with our name in Nepal's tourism industry offered to our domestic and international clients. With the growth of competition and easy traveling options, it seems challenging to pop as the best. But we didn't have to worry much as we're able to cheer up our clients with fantastic trekking destinations and the best information about traveling to Nepal.

Nepal Hiking Team focuses on a commitment to long-lasting relationships with their clients, catering to the personal performances of both domestic and international travelers in their travel behavior and desires for the next trip and serving the best to customer's satisfaction. So within years, the impeccable service hosted by Nepal Hiking Team became noticeable to travelers, and the business rose to new heights of progress. The company didn't look back ever since. Nepal Hiking Team is undoubtedly one of Nepal's top adventure travel companies.

Learning Years – Our First Two Initial Years

With its establishment in 2009, Nepal Hiking Team suffered many challenges to sustain itself in the competitive market. The initial two years were a time of trial, but our dedication and passion for serving our clients soon took us to a different level where we could build trust with our clients, and it soon became popular among travelers with the mouth of publicity.

Although trekking packages offered by us are no different from any other travel agents of Nepal, we outstood many travel agencies of Nepal with our services. The care and attention to detail that the Nepal Hiking Team put in became remarkably appreciated by the clients.

A happy and satisfied customer equals success which became a mantra for the company to achieve new heights in the tourism industry.

Driving Force Behind NHT

Nepal Hiking Team is a family-run business. At the company's helm is the founder and the Managing Director, Mr. Ganga Thapa, a knowledgeable and experienced travel enthusiast in the tourism industry. His passion for serving clients with the best includes the best service providers and vendors in Nepal's tourism industry. His vision as a businessman has achieved success in the tourism industry, and he strives to offer a 360-degree travel experience to his clients.

Sharing an equal passion and responsibility as his brother is Mr. Balaram Thapa, who is also the Director and Travel Advisor of the Nepal Hiking Team. A former guide, Balarama Thapa, has a good understanding of what leads to customer satisfaction. His knowledge and experience as a guide have been critical to the company's successful operation. He's an asset to his team members, who continuously support and coordinate with the field staff to offer the best product services to the clients.

Social Responsibility and Community Service

Our care towards our clients includes a responsibility to serve the best, and so with this vision, we act responsibly toward empowering Nepal's young youths and local communities.

Nepal Hiking Team believes its business activities are always aligned with community services. With the awareness that tourism is one of Nepal's most significant service industries, we want to face up to our responsibilities towards the youths of Nepal while working in partnership with local vendors that work for marginalized groups of society.

We also provide job opportunities to our youths with the best training in the tourism industry by the company.

One of our most Significant Contributions to Date!

During the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, Nepal Hiking Team ran a fundraising campaign to support families affected by the natural disaster.

A total amount of USD 51,920 was raised to rebuild homes destroyed by the earthquake, provide medical care, and buy essential supplies the affected earthquake regions needed.

Social commitment stays in the company's heart, and it strives to provide an inspiring environment for the youths wishing to work in the tourism industry.

In addition, our local partners are called upon constantly to expand their services by delivering workshops and training sessions to hone the skills of the young Nepalese who wish to be part of the tourism industry.

The company also donates a part of its profit to charitable organizations annually.